We are pleased to present another exceptional product—Solid-engineered oak panel and worktops. The unique construction of these panels not only offers an attractive appearance but also excellent stability, making them an ideal choice for various applications in furniture making.

Each solid-engineered panel we produce consists of two main components: the top layer, or veneer, and the core. The veneer, which can have a thickness ranging from 2.5mm to 10mm, allows for achieving a beautiful, wide wood grain structure, up to 300mm wide. As a result, the attractive, natural wood grain can be admired on our solid-engineered panels.

An additional advantage of these panels is their exceptional stability. The core of the panel can be made of solid wood or length-joined wood, providing extra strength. There is also an option for veneering MDF panels.

Thanks to this construction, Solid-engineered oak panels and worktops are an excellent choice for creating stable doors, countertops, shelves, or other furniture components. On the sides of the solid-engineered panel, we can add either a veneer or a wide solid element, adding a finished look to the product.

We offer solid-engineered panels and worktops in various thicknesses, starting from 14mm, which are most commonly used as treads, through thicknesses of 40mm, 45mm, up to 110mm. The maximum width of our panels is 1250mm, and the length can be up to 5500mm.

By choosing our Solid-engineered oak panels and worktops, you are choosing quality, durability, and aesthetics. Contact us today to learn more about our products.